‘Golden Melody Award 28th’
nominees video
Music is not limited to the world of sounds. There exists a music of the visual world - Oskar Fischinger

We experimented with flat design, adding young and bright color blocks to think out of the traditional, elegant and 3D-driven GMA elements.
The visual design this year sticks to the idea of “media of music”. Media change as time goes by, but the energy of music is eternal.
客戶Client:源活YOUNG HOPE / 三點水娛樂製作股份有限公司 3AQUA Entertainment
典禮視覺影像設計 Design Agency:Bito
視覺總監 Executive Creative Director :劉耕名 Keng-Ming Liu
美術指導 Art Director:劉熙真 Hsi-Jen Liu
設計師 Designer:李宜軒 Kelly Li、吳箏 Chen Wu、曾致勻 Zhi-Yun Tseng
動畫師 Animator : 莊仲凱 Kyle Jhuang、朱哲頡 Che-Chieh Chu、高慶和 Ching-Ho Kao、曾致勻 Zhi-Yun Tseng、吳箏 Chen Wu、陳柏尹 Bruce Chen、陳柏豪 Kforce Chen、齊慕夷 Morris Chi、詹游丞 Yo Cheng、楊竣弼 Rivers Yang、余韋呈 Wei-Chen Yu
製作統籌 Executive Producer:彭乃芸 Naiyun Peng
字幕 Subtitle : 葉子寬 Francis Yeh
典禮視覺/形象音樂設計 Music: 三十而立 Sincerely Music
音樂總監 Music Director:陳品先 Stanley Chen
編曲/製作助理 Music Producer :孟欣亞 Shin Child
混音 Mixing: 林尚伯 Lin Shang Po / 杰林影音薪傳 JL Music & Video Production
Voice Over: 謝佳璋 Shieh ChiaChang、余佳蓓